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על ראובן וימר

ראובן וימר נולד בחיפה ב 1937, גדל והתחנך בקיבוץ מזרע ושירת בחטיבת גולני. אחרי גמר השירות עזב את הקיבוץ ועבר ללמוד בירושלים ואחרי כן עבר להתגורר בתל אביב. בשנת 1963 החל לעבוד בתחום הפרסום: תחילה במשרד בינג-ליניאל, אחרי כן בפרסום דחף ולבסוף ... עוד >>

Ada Yonath And The Secret of Life

הוצאה: | נובמבר 2022 | 200 עמ'
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

The story of Ada Yonath and her ribosomes seems remarkable and deserves to be told to the whole world. I decided that I would write the story despite my scientific amateurism.
When I met Ada Yonath and followed her work, I was sure she would win the Nobel Prize one day. During the days that Ada was in Israel and had free time for me, we sat, and for long hours Ada told me the story of her life and work. I interviewed her family and some co-workers; she was revealed to be a unique person. I had a small plot.
I planned to finish the book upon receiving the prize and then publish it in Israel and around the world in all languages, the book will be snatched, and I will earn millions, at least half of them Will contribute to Ada's research.
Ada Yonath won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009, I waited Thirteen years, and Ada is still busy to the top, traveling and lecturing worldwide while she continues her scientific work, and I do not know when she will be free to write her book… The present book is the fruit of three years of writing. Since then, Ada has progressed in her work, and in the years since she received the award, there have been many developments in science and medicine following her discoveries.
Maybe she and others will convey/describe her work in another book, probably in more books. I will be content with bringing the story of Ada, from her childhood to the days of receiving the Nobel Prize. And the reader will be pleased.