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Aintrouk’s Scepter

מעברית: Seree Cohen Zohar | הוצאה: | 2015-09 | 340 עמ'
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

Kings and princes from throughout the land arrived at the Queen of Erl’s palace, bowing low before her radiant beauty. The Queen, controlling her subjects and nobles with an iron fist, rejects them all. Her heart is captivated by her Royal Crier.

A mysterious suitor’s arrival at the palace exposes a loophole in the kingdom’s Books of Laws. The suitor succeeds in breaking the bonds in the Queen’s heart, causing a rift between her and the Crier. And as all this is happening, news of war between two past great empires reaches her ears, pitching the kingdom’s wellbeing against her own personal benefit, and requiring the Queen to quickly choose sides.

Aintrouk's Scepter is a story of power struggles and bloodshed on the dual fronts of kingdom and palace; of long journeys on foot and into the soul; of aggressive sexuality, and pure love; of hope, disappointment and devotion to ancient traditions; and of one scepter, a scepter of a Royal Crier named Aintrouk.

Ayal Orgal was born in 1982. Aintrouk’s Scepter is his second book.