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Alma's Sandcastle

הוצאה: | יולי 2021 | 24 עמ'
קטגוריות: פעוטות וילדים
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

"Quietly quietly, behind her back,
from the sea a big wave arose,
Gulp, gulp gulp,
the big wave washed and destroyed everything.
Alma got up and stood on her two feet.
What happened?!
How and where did her sand castle go?!"
Time again and again, a wave surfaced from sea and ruined
everything Alma built.
Will Alma give in to the big wave or will she stand up to it?
Join her and find out.
True to the path of children, Alma is facing a new challenge
which she is tackling by way of imaginary play from within
her rich inner world.
Alma and the Sand Castle is Sheila Dror Gil's sixth book.