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Excerpts of Things I Will Never Say

הוצאה: | 2018-12 | 67 עמ'
קטגוריות: שירה ומחזות
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

This book is a collection of short excerpts and poems that emphasize the incoherent and unclear thoughts and feelings that one had, or might stumble upon during the journey of their life. This book explores life and feelings from my own perspective; from a mind that over thinks too much and a heart that feels too deep. It touches on topics such as love and hate, families and friendships, insecurities, hopes and regrets, life and death.

Excerpts of Things I Will Never Say reaches out to those who might have similar situations or might go through them one day.

And for those people, I say: you are not alone!