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Liraz's Gift

הוצאה: | 2021 | 24 עמ'
קטגוריות: פעוטות וילדים
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

"What did Shai-li wish for?"
What she wanted more than anything in the world.
Shai-li wished for a loving father."

Shai-li is celebrating her birthday with great joy. Among the gifts which Shai-li received was a very special one-the gift from Liraz.

Children are usually engrossed in their own world, but also are receptive to impressions and nuances they pick up on from adults in their surroundings. Rarely do children seek solutions for complex situations they face in their lives and those of others, like Liraz did in this special story.

The story "Liraz's Gift" is a lovely and moving one, which allows us, as adults, to have a glimpse into our children's worlds and the opportunity to discuss complex and important issues, such as single parent families and seeing the other. This story encourages children to show sensitivity to the issues their friends face.