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על נתן אור בן צבי

נתן אור בן צבי, יליד 1991, נולד בשם אור. בגיל 10 חזר בתשובה ואימו חלמה שסבו, בנימין אמבא ז״ל, קרא לו בשם נתן אור. לאחר לימודים בישיבת הסדר יצא בשאלה עם תהיות רבות על הדת ועל מהותה בחייו הפרטיים. בעל ... עוד >>

Messiah Ben David

הוצאה: | פברואר 2024 | 20 עמ'
קטגוריות: יהדות, עידן חדש
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:

לרכישת הספר

Messiah Ben David is a short book that tells the story of a young man named Leo who was chosen by GOD to bring a message of hope and salvation to the world. The book follows his journey from his spiritual birth to his vocation as the Messiah beginning with the story of his teachings of love, compassion, forgiveness, and redemption. Through the character of Leo, the book offers a message of hope and a path to redemption for all who seek it. She inspires readers to live with love and compassion, to turn away from sin and darkness, and to walk the path of righteousness. The writing is short and fascinating and captivating. The story is told with a sense of urgency and importance, as the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Overall, Messiah Ben David is a thought-provoking and spiritually uplifting book that offers a message of hope and redemption to readers of all religions and backgrounds. A must read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and the role they can play in bringing about positive change in the world.