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Toby's pacifier

הוצאה: | 2021 | 24 עמ'
קטגוריות: פעוטות וילדים
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

"Toby's pacifier is lost, Toby's pacifier has disappeared, oh no! What an uproar."

The story "Toby's Pacifier," flows, is entertaining, and describes how Toby is weaned from the pacifier. While the entire household is busy looking for Toby's old pacifier, Toby has a different plan.
The author's previous stories deal with child rearing, education and the interpersonal relationships between the child and the adult world.

The English version of the books can be purchased on "Amazon" under the name:
Sheila Dror-Gil