Moshe Oren is an Israeli writer, journalist, and editor. In the early 1970s he worked as a journalist in London, where he wrote about theatre, cinema and the arts for the daily Yedioth Ahronoth and other Israeli newspapers. Later, back in his country, he wrote a weekly column on films and cinema for the daily Al Hamishmar.
Oren’s books for children and adults have been published by various publishing houses in Israel. He also initiated and edited Likhyot bekhol tnai (To Live and Survive,1983), the first Hebrew survival guide for backpackers. Oren was the first to hike the length of Israel, from Dan to Eilat, and his book Ish holech et eretz yisrael (A Man Walks the Land of Israel,1994) was the first to describe a journey of this kind.
During the first decade of the millennium, Oren initiated and led some of his country’s greatest commemorative enterprises on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, including Hashvil Hamechaber (the Linking Trail) between Yad Vashem and Mount Herzl, Gan Hane’edarim (Garden of the Missing) in memory of his country’s fallen whose last resting place is unknown, and the Netzer Acharon Memorial for the Last of Kin.
על משה אורן
משה אורן הוא סופר, עיתונאי ועורך. ספריו, לילדים ולמבוגרים, ראו אור בהוצאות שונות בארץ. בשנות השבעים עבד ככתב "ידיעות אחרונות" בלונדון ובשנות השמונים עשה עם משפחתו בהוואי. בארץ פירסם לאורך שנים מדור שבועי לסרטים וקולנוע בעיתון "על המשמר". אורן היה ... עוד >>
קטגוריות: ילדים ונוער, שפות זרות
37.00 ₪
מקט: 001-3870-007
A little boy threads a whole elephant through the eye of a needle.
A lonely desert island in the middle of the ocean makes a surprising friend.
A mountain becomes a volcano because of a broken heart.
And a little girl who goes to sleep on a cloud…
Four short stories, or modern legends for children, two that happened quite some time ago, and two that could have happened just yesterday, or might happen tomorrow…
היו הראשונים לכתוב תגובה למוצר: “Who Says You Can't”
יש להתחבר למערכת כדי לכתוב תגובה.
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