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The Magical Angels In My Life

הוצאה: | 2021 | 59 עמ'
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

“Appreciate the Magic”

We live in a magical universe where everything is possible.

Appreciation of the magical as well as the beauty of the universe, will open your heart to more of that same magic in your life.

Out of difficulties miracles grow.

Naama Weinberg, The author, grew up in a small village which constituted a pretty protective bubble.

At the age of 13, she left for the big city, and from there her life took on a different direction.

Naama graduated from high school with honors, after majoring in fashion trends. Thereafter she completed a one year national service at an institution underprivileged children who came from broken homes.

Over the years, Naama had endured countless ups and downs.

She has always loved to write about all that she sees with her own eyes and feels in her heart.

Writing personalized greeting cards has become an integral part of her life and she devotes many hours of her free time to this hobby.

The idea of consolidating some of her writings and publishing them, has always crossed her mind, but she rejected it for many reasons.

Recently, under the influence of a magical angel, a very dear friend, close to her heart, she decided to implement her dream, to publish and share her writings, with the clear knowledge that they might bring light and joy to others, as well as an understanding that although life weighs on us, at the same time, it is possible to find a lot of beauty and goodness as well.